Ministry of Trade Regulation number 39 year 2020 on Provisions and Procedures of Issuance Certificate of Origin for Goods of Indonesian Origin

To ensure the smooth flow of goods and improve the effectiveness of the issuance of Certificate of Origin (SKA) for Goods from Indonesia in the context of exports in accordance with international trade agreements that are in force, it is necessary to make adjustments to the procedure for issuing Certificates of Origin.

The issuance of SKA is by printing SKA on the original SKA Form, signed by the SKA Issuing Officer, and given a SKA Issuing Agency (IPSKA) stamp or print a SKA that has been signed with an Official SKA Issuing Officer and an IPSKA stamp electronically on the original SKA Form.

In the case of the provisions of international trade agreements, other international treaties, or a memorandum of understanding that has prevailed stating that the issuance of SKA can be issued using Digital Signature, the issuance of SKA can be done by printing SKA that has been affixed with Digital Signature on the Original SKA form.

In the event that there is a change in the data on the SKA that has been issued, the Exporter may submit an application for issuance of the amended SKA to the issuing IPSKA via e-SKA.
This Ministerial Regulation shall come into force on April 8 when it was promulgated. (7 July 2020)

Copyright RRLO 2020

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